Friday, January 31, 2020

Integration of different theories Essay Example for Free

Integration of different theories Essay Integration of different theories Employing the Behavioral, Cognitive-Behavioral, Psychodynamic, Existential, Humanistic, Family Systems, Gestalt and Client-Centered Eclectic stance primarily involves the incorporation of distinct concepts within a single framework. The important thing is that of flexibility and resiliency on one’s part when to apply or implement which of the theories in the context of his/her client. It starts with the identification of specific problems and especially the root causes. When this is confidently achieved, the therapist is actually midway to attaining his/her goals which includes not only the relief of the symptoms that the sufferer is currently experiencing but especially the reduction of the occurrence if not altogether eliminated (Corey, 2004). THERAPIES -The Behavioral model utilizes what is termed as the learning theory posited by Skinner and Watson and the rest of the Behaviorism school. It assumes that the principles in learning i. e. , conditioning (Associative and Operant) are effective means to effect change in an individual. Generally, the thrust of this theoretical perspective is focused on the symptoms that a person is experiencing. Just as many of the errors of the patterns of behavior come from learning from the environment, it is also assumed that an individual will be able to unlearn some if not all these by using the techniques as applied based on the learning principles. To a certain extent I believe that this still works: reinforcements are effective to some extent and in some or many people hence I am incorporating this stance separate or distinct from the Cognitive-Behavioral approach. In behavior therapy therefore, thoughts, feelings and all those â€Å"malfunctioning† and unwanted manifestations revealed in one’s activities can be unlearned and the work of a behavior therapist. The basic concepts include â€Å"extinguishing† – utilized when maladaptive patterns are then weakened and removed and in their place habits that are healthy are established (developed and strengthened) in a series or progressive approach called â€Å"successive approximations. When these (factors) are reinforced such as through rewards in intrinsic and extrinsic means, the potential of a more secure and steady change in behavior is developed and firmly established (Corey, 2004). Cognitive-Behavioral therapy. In the cognitive approach alone, the therapist understands that a client or patient comes into the healing relationship and the former’s role is to change or modify the latter’s maladjusted or error-filled thinking patterns. These patterns may include wishful thinking, unrealistic expectations, constant reliving and living in the past or even beyond the present and into the future, and overgeneralizing. These habits lead to confusion, frustration and eventual constant disappointment. This therapeutic approach stresses or accentuates the rational or logical and positive worldview: a viewpoint that takes into consideration that we are problem-solvers, have options in life and not that we are always left with no choice as many people think. It also looks into the fact that because we do have options then there are many things that await someone who have had bad choices in the past, and therefore can look positively into the future. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy postulated primarily by Ellis and Beck â€Å"facilitates a collaborative relationship between the patient and therapist. † With the idea that the counselor and patient together cooperate to attain a trusting relationship and agree which problems or issues need to come first in the course of the therapy. For the Cognitive Behaviorist Therapist, the immediate and presenting problem that the client is suffering and complaining from takes precedence and must be addressed and focused in the treatment. There is instantaneous relief from the symptoms, and may be encouraged or spurred on to pursue in-depth treatment and reduction of the ailments where possible (Corey, 2004). Psychoanalytic therapy. The Psychodynamic perspective is based on the work of Sigmund Freud. He created both a theory to explain personality and mental disorders, and the form of therapy known as psychoanalysis. The psychodynamic approach assumes that all behavior and mental processes reflect constant and often unconscious struggles within the person. These usually involved conflicts between our need to satisfy basic biological instincts, for example, for food, sex or aggression, and the restrictions imposed by society. Not all of those who take a psychodynamic approach accept all of Freud’s original ideas, but most would view abnormal or problematic behavior as the result of a failure to resolve conflicts adequately. Many of the disorders or mental illnesses recognized today without a doubt have their psychodynamic explanation aside from other viewpoints like that of the behaviourist, or the cognitivists. From simple childhood developmental diseases to Schizophrenia, there is a rationale that from Freud’s camp is able to explain (Corey, 2004). The Existential approach, as put forward by Nietzsche, Kierkegaard, Sartre, Heidegger, Rollo May, and Frankl, believes that the individual’s potential may lie dormant but that it is there waiting to be ushered in time. It recognizes that man is able to achieve great heights and that these are just waiting to be tapped not only by him/herself but that also when helped by a practitioner who is persuaded of this notion. It examines such major issues as free will and the challenges of exercising this free will, the issue of mortality, loneliness and in general, the meaning of life. The Therapy is effective when the practitioner works with elderly care and death and dying issues. It focuses on the individual needs but takes into consideration the significant relationships and the meanings they bring into the person’s life. Transcending the issues and problems are primary intentions of the therapist at the same time being realistic that certain limitations do exist and may hinder the process of recovery (Rubinstein et al. , 2007; Corey, 2004). -Humanistic therapy. Allport, Bugental, Buhler, Maslow Rollo May, Murphy, Murray, Fritz Perls and Rogers are those that helped usher in the Humanistic theory and consequent therapy. It holds in view the individual as possessing the options or freedom to choose, creativity, and the capability to attain a state where he/she is more aware, freer, responsible and worthy of trust. Because the human mind has immense potential, the approach assesses as well that forces from the environment bear on with the individual and depending on the interplay that occurs within the individual person, the result will either be destructive or constructive to the person. In sum, humanism takes into the perspective that essentially humans are good and not evil, and that the therapy facilitates by harnessing on the human potential through the development of interpersonal skills. This results to an enhanced quality life and the individual becomes an asset rather than a liability to the society where he revolves in (Corey, 2004). Family-Systems therapy. This theoretical viewpoint has been the by-product of the works of Bateson, Minuchin, Bowen, Ackerman and many others. Usually done in pairs or by a team of practitioners, family systems therapy has its roots in behavioral and psychoanalytic principles. This model understands that the family is a unit and its members or any of its members with an issue or a problem must be addressed in the context of the family as a unit. It puts its emphasis on the relationships among the family members, their patterns of communication more than their individual traits and/or symptoms. The systems theory portion of the therapy indicates that whatever is occurring or happening is not isolated but is a working part of a bigger context. In the family systems approach then, no individual person can be understood when removed from his relationships whether in the present or past, and this is specially focused on the family he belongs to (Corey, 2004). Reference: Corey, Gerald (2004). Theory and practice of counseling and psychotherapy. Thomson Learning, USA.

Monday, January 27, 2020

Ecological Footprint Analysis Of Iran Environmental Sciences Essay

Ecological Footprint Analysis Of Iran Environmental Sciences Essay Nowadays by increasing the population of the world, more than ever we are and should be more concerned about our resources compared to our consumption. If we look at the research we can realize that our consumption is overshooting the Earths natural capacity to product our needs as well as digesting our waste. To evaluate a measurement to study how sustainable countries develop and how much they care about the environment and its capacity some scientists developed a model which is based on a simple question; Do we fit our planet by continuing our current lifestyle? This method is called Ecological Footprint. Definition of Ecological Footprint (EF) The concept of the Ecological Footprint was introduced by Rees (1992) and elaborated by Wackernagel and Rees (1996, 1997) among others. The EF can be compared with the productive biological capacity of the available land and the sea to this population (WWF, 2005). The EF measures the demand for natural resources. For its creators, the EF is a measure of the impact of the population expressed in terms of the appropriate area; it is the surface of ecologically productive territory in the diverse categories (arable lands, pastures, forests, sea and CO2 absorption area), necessary to supply the resources of energy and matter that a population consume and to absorb its wastefulness considering its current technology (Wackernagel and Rees, 1996).One characteristic term of this methodology is the biocapacity or interest from natural capital. Thus, the biocapacity measures the bioproductivity or biological productivity in an area. The average biological productivity of a hectare of the earths productive surface area is called global hectare (GHA) and is used as the common unit of comparison. Bioproductivity is the ability of a biome (e.g., arable land, pasture land, forest land, productive sea) to produce biomass, which is defined as the weight of organic matter, including animals, plants and micro-organism (living and dead), above or below the soil surface. Thus, the biomes have different levels of bioproductivity. Some of it is built or degraded land. Biocapacity is dependent not only on natural conditions but also on prevailing land use (e.g., farming use, forest use). The use of bioproductive area as an aggregate unit is a powerful and resonant means of measuring and communicating environmental impact and sustainability. It is crucial to note that the biocapacity represents the theoretical maximum sustainable capacity for a year. While ecological overshoot by definition reveals the degradation of natural capital, the ecological remainder does not guarantee the sustainability of production. Rather, as the Footprint of production approaches the biocapacity and the ecological remainder narrows, the likelihood that the country will experience environmental stressor degradation escalates, at least over longer periods of time. In the EF, by comparing the demand with the available supply it is possible to estimate the ecological sustainabil ity of territories or countries. A nations ecological footprint correspond to the aggregate land and water area in various ecosystem categories to produce all the resources it consumes, and to absorb all the waste it generates on a continuous basis, using prevailing technology. Methodology of Footprint Calculation: FUNDAMENTAL ASSUMPTIONS OF ECOLOGICAL FOOTPRINT ACCOUNTING Ecological Footprint accounting is based on six fundamental assumptions (Wackernagel et al. 2002): à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ The majority of the resources people consume and the wastes they generate can be tracked. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Most of these resource and waste flows can be measured in terms of the biologically productive area necessary to maintain flows. Resource and waste flows that cannot be measured are excluded from the assessment, leading to a systematic underestimate of humanitys true Ecological Footprint. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ By weighting each area in proportion to its bioproductivity, different types of areas can be converted into the common unit of global hectares, hectares with world average bioproductivity. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Because a single global hectare represents a single use, and all global hectares in any single year represent the same amount of bioproductivity, they can be added up to obtain an aggregate indicator of Ecological Footprint or biocapacity. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Human demand, expressed as the Ecological Footprint, can be directly compared to natures supply, biocapacity, when both are expressed in global hectares. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Area demanded can exceed area supplied if demand on an ecosystem exceeds that ecosystems regenerative capacity (e.g., humans can temporarily demand more biocapacity from forests, or fisheries, than those ecosystems have available). This situation, where Ecological Footprint exceeds available biocapacity, is known as overshoot (deficit). What does a per person national Footprint actually mean? A per person national Footprint measures the amount of bioproductive space under constant production required to support the average individual of that country. For example, a five-hectare per person Footprint means that an average individual in that country uses all of the services produced in a year by five hectares of world-average productive land. This land does not need to be within the borders of the individuals country as biocapacity is often embodied in goods imported from other countries to meet consumption demands. What is included in the Ecological Footprint? What is excluded? To avoid exaggerating human demand on nature, the Ecological Footprint includes only those aspects of resource consumption and waste production for which the Earth has regenerative capacity, and where data exist that allow this demand to be expressed in terms of productive area. For example, freshwater withdrawal is not included in the Footprint, although the energy used to pump or treat it is. Ecological Footprint accounts provide snapshots of past resource demand and availability. They do not predict the future. Thus, while the Footprint does not estimate future losses caused by present degradation of ecosystems, if persistent this degradation will likely be reflected in future accounts as a loss of biocapacity. Footprint accounts also do not indicate the intensity with which a biologically productive area is being used, nor do they pinpoint specific biodiversity pressures. Finally, the Ecological Footprint is a biophysical measure; it does not evaluate the essential social and economic dimensions of sustainability. Statistical Data: The statistics shown the next page are extracted from ECOLOGICAL FOOTPRINT ATLAS 2009, Published 24th November 2009 by GLOBAL FOOTPRINT NETWORK, RESEARCH AND STANDARDS DEPARTMENT, Oakland, California, United States of America Interpretation of Data: As we can see in the tables the Total Ecological Footprint of Iran is 2.66 compared to its Total Biocapacity which is 0.99. It means that for this country the Total Ecological Footprint is roughly 160% more than its Total Biocapacity which is by definition a biological overshoot and can lead to degradation of natural capital or resources. In other words, our demand is much higher than our demand and this can be a warning for us at least in longer periods of time and there should be decisive measures to reduce the factors which contribute to higher Footprints. How to improve the situation: In simple words it can be said that to improve the situation beside any rules or policies which governments can take, all people can take effective steps to reduce their stressors on environment by decreasing their consumption as well as their waste. There are some simple ways suggested by experts: A) Reduce your Carbon Footprint A1) Use cleaner transport * Walk, bike, or take public transit whenever possible. * Avoid allowing your car to idle. If youll be waiting for more than 30 seconds, turn off the engine (except in traffic). And dont take the drive-through-park the car and walk inside instead. * Have your vehicle serviced regularly to keep the emission control systems operating at peak efficiency. Check your cars air filter monthly, and keep the tires adequately inflated to maximize gas mileage. * Avoid short airplane trips-take a bus or train instead. A2) Add energy-saving features to your home * Install compact fluorescent bulbs in all your home light fixtures-but remember, compact fluorescents contain mercury, so look for low-mercury models and be sure to dispose of old bulbs safely through your local hazardous waste program. * Weatherproof your home. Make sure your walls and ceilings are insulated, and consider double-pane windows. Eliminate drafts with caulking, weather strips, and storm windows and doors. * Insulate your water heater. Even better, switch to a tankless water heater, so your water will be heated only as you use it. * Choose energy efficient appliances. A3) Adopt energy-saving habits * Keep thermostat relatively low in winter and ease up on the air conditioning in summer. Clean or replace dirty air conditioner filters as recommended to keep the A/C operating at peak efficiency. * Unplug your electronics when not in use. To make it easier, use a power strip. Even when turned off, items like your television, computer, and cellphone charger still sip power. * Dry your clothes outside whenever possible. * Make minimal use of power equipment when landscaping. * Defrost your refrigerator and freezer regularly. * Choose green electricity. Many utilities give you the option to purchase electricity generated by wind and solar power for a small rate surcharge. * Purchase carbon offsets to make up for the energy use you cant eliminate. B) Reduce your Food Footprint * Eat more local, organic, in-season foods. * Plant a garden-it doesnt get more local than that. * Shop at your local farmers market or natural foods store. Look for local, in-season foods that havent travelled long distances to reach you. * Choose foods with less packaging to reduce waste. * Eat lower on the food chain-going meatless for just one meal a week can make a difference. Globally, it has been estimated that 18% of all greenhouse gas emissions are associated with meat consumption. C) Reduce your Housing Footprint C1) Choose sustainable building materials, furnishings, and cleaning products. * Explore green design features for your building, like passive solar heating, a rainwater catchment or grey water recycling system, and recycled materials. * Choose efficient appliances, including low flow shower heads, faucets, and toilets. * Choose furnishings that are second-hand, recycled, or sustainably produced. * Plant drought tolerant plants in your garden and yard. * Use biodegradable, non-toxic cleaning products. C2) Adopt water-saving habits * Take shorter, less frequent showers-this not only saves water, but the energy necessary to heat it. * Dont use the garbage disposal. Compost instead. * Run the dishwasher and the laundry machine only when full. * Wash cars rarely, or better yet, take them to a carwash. Commercial carwashes use less water per wash than home washers, and they are also required to drain used water into the sewage system, rather than storm drains, which protects aquatic life. * Avoid hosing down or power-washing your deck, walkways, or driveway. * Regularly look for and fix leaks. D) Reduce your Goods and Services Footprint * Buy less! Replace items only when you really need to. * Recycle all your paper, glass, aluminium, and plastic. Dont forget electronics! * Compost food waste for the garden. Garbage that is not contaminated with degradable (biological) waste can be more easily recycled and sorted, and doesnt produce methane gases (a significant greenhouse gas contributor) when stored in a landfill. * Buy recycled products, particularly those labelled post-consumer waste. Glossary Ecological Footprint: A measure of how much biologically productive land and water an individual, population or activity requires to produce all the resources it consumes and to absorb the waste it generates, using prevailing technology and resource management practices. The Ecological Footprint is usually measured in global hectares. Because trade is global, an individual or countrys Footprint includes land or sea from all over in the world. Ecological Footprint is often referred to in short form as Footprint. Ecological Footprint and Footprint are proper nouns and thus should always be capitalized. Global hectare (gha): A productivity-weighted area used to report both the biocapacity of the Earth, and the demand on biocapacity (the Ecological Footprint). The global hectare is normalized to the area-weighted average productivity of biologically productive land and water in a given year. Because different land types have different productivity, a global hectare of, for example, cropland, would occupy a smaller physical area than the much less biologically productive pasture land, as more pasture would be needed to provide the same biocapacity as one hectare of cropland. Because world bioproductivity varies slightly from year to year, the value of a gha may change slightly from year to year. Overshoot: Global overshoot occurs when humanitys demand on nature exceeds the biospheres supply, or regenerative capacity. Such overshoot leads to a depletion of Earths life-supporting natural capital and a build-up of waste. At the global level, ecological deficit and overshoot are the same, since there is no net-import of resources to the planet. Local overshoot occurs when a local ecosystem is exploited more rapidly than it can renew itself. Land type: The Earths approximately 11.9 billion hectares of biologically productive land and water are categorized into five types of surface area: cropland, grazing land, forest, fishing ground, and built-up land. Also called area type. Ecological deficit/reserve: The difference between the biocapacity and Ecological Footprint of a region or country. An ecological deficit occurs when the Footprint of a population exceeds the biocapacity of the area available to that population. Conversely, an ecological reserve exists when the biocapacity of a region or country exceeds the Footprint of its population. If there is a regional or national ecological deficit, it means that the region or country is either importing biocapacity through trade, liquidating its own ecological assets, or emitting wastes into a global commons such as the atmosphere. In contrast, the global ecological deficit cannot be compensated through trade, and is equal to overshoot. Carbon Footprint: When used in Ecological Footprint studies, this term is synonymous with demand on CO2 area. The phrase Carbon Footprint has been picked up in the climate change debate. Several web-calculators use the phrase carbon Footprint. Many just calculate tonnes of carbon, or tonnes of carbon per Euro, rather than demand on bioproductive area. The Ecological Footprint encompasses the carbon Footprint, and captures the extent to which measures for reducing the carbon Footprint lead to increases in other Footprint components. Biological capacity, or biocapacity: The capacity of ecosystems to produce useful biological materials and to absorb waste materials generated by humans, using current management schemes and extraction technologies. Useful biological materials are defined as those used by the human economy. Hence what is considered useful can change from year to year (e.g. use of corn (maize) stover for cellulosic ethanol production would result in corn stover becoming a useful material, and thus increase the biocapacity of maize cropland). The biocapacity of an area is calculated by multiplying the actual physical area by the yield factor and the appropriate equivalence factor. Biocapacity is usually expressed in global hectares. Natural capital: Natural capital can be defined as all of the raw materials and natural cycles on Earth. Footprint analysis considers one key component, life-supporting natural capital, or ecological capital for short. This capital is defined as the stock of living ecological assets that yield goods and services on a continuous basis. Main functions include resource production (such as fish, timber or cereals), waste assimilation (such as CO2 absorption or sewage decomposition) and life-support services (such as UV protection, biodiversity, and water cleansing or climate stability). Refrences: ECOLOGICAL FOOTPRINT ATLAS 2009, Published 24th November 2009 by GLOBAL FOOTPRINT NETWORK, RESEARCH AND STANDARDS DEPARTMENT, Oakland, California, United States of America E C O L O G I C A L E C O N O M I C S 6 6 ( 2 0 0 8 ) 6 2 8 6 3 7, Sustainability of nations by indices: Comparative study between environmental sustainability index, ecological footprint and the energy performance indices

Thursday, January 23, 2020

To Have Or Have Not :: essays research papers

To Have and Have Not Michael Lind Michael Lind wrote the article To Have and Have not about the ever-increasing gap between the rich and the poor. He comments with heart and knowledge on the fact that the prosperous are increasing their wealth by taking from the poor. It sounds like and basically is the story of Robin Hood. He writes about the amount of power the wealthy have, segregated work places, the crooked political system, and tax reforms. But what amazes me the most is that he too is part of the overclass. This first hand knowledge of the system gives Lind such a strong base for his argument, and allows the reader to trust his words that much more. Over the last several years in the United States it has become more and more evident that the gap between the rich and the poor is growing. Not only is the gap growing, but the government is doing very little to stop it. Slowly the poor are being shifted away from the center of wealth and being replaced by the already wealthy. It's a shame how a few people with large cheque books can run the most powerful country in the world, and yet the general public are being redirected to think this problem is a minimal and insignificant issue. The truth is that economic and social inequalities have been growing in the United States at an alarming pace. The inequalities exist because the wealthy want to have more, and the power to obtain more; To do so people must give up their wealth and thus cause the economic gap. Not only is the United States segregated based on the upper class and lower class, it seems that prejudice is also appearing in a hidden manner. Take for example an executive building. You'll notice that everyone working there looks the same. Of course their opinions, value systems, and beliefs may differ, however they are almost always white and mainline protestant. This new and still growing oligarchy is about 20 percent of the population and is evenly spread across every state. What is even more amazing about the American oligarchy is that they pride themselves solely on their individual merit. To them its not because they were born into upper class, nor that they had the opportunity to get an education, but merle on their own IQ, virtue, and genius. Lind uses a great example of this when he says,

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Reciprocity In All Its Forms Essay -- Essays Papers

Reciprocity In All Its Forms Reciprocity is symbolic of creating, maintaining, or strengthening social relationships as well as satisfying the material needs and wants of someone in need. It refers to the exchange of objects without the use of money or other media of exchange. It can take the form of sharing, hospitality, gifts, or bartering. Anthropologists identify three forms of reciprocity. One form is generalized reciprocity, which is the giving of goods without expectation of a return of equal value at any definite future time. Generalized reciprocity occurs mainly between individuals who are emotionally attached to one another and have a responsibility to help one another on the basis of need. In the United States, parents who provide their children with shelter, food, vehicles, college educations, and interest-free loans are practicing generalized reciprocity. Giving without the expectation of a quick and equivalent return should also occur between certain other kinds of social relations, such as wives and husbands, siblings, and sometimes close friends. Among certain groups of people more goods are exchanged using this form than any other. For example, most members of small hunting and gathering groups are expected to share food and be generous with their possessions. Generalized reciprocity happens in all human populations and is the dominant mode of exchange in v ery small groups in which all or most members are relatives. Another form is balanced reciprocity, in which the products exchanged are expected to have roughly equal value. Moreover, another characteristic is that there is no bargaining between the parties. The return may be expected immediately, or whenever the giver demands it, or by some specified... ... reciprocity into another can be used as a way of changing the nature of a social relationship. Because the form of reciprocity practiced between two individuals is related to the degree of social distance between them, the social distance can be decreased or increased by one party initiating a new form of exchange. For example, someone can draw another person closer by tentatively initiating a relationship of balanced reciprocity. In conclusion, forms of reciprocity tend to be associated with types of social relations, so the reciprocity practiced between people changes as their relationship changes. People can use reciprocity to achieve social goals. For example, people can send positive or negative messages by either reciprocating or refusing to reciprocate gifts or invitations. Lastly, reciprocity can be used as a way of shortening or lengthening social distance.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

How businesses Work Essay

Introduction For this unit I will give a clear description of the activity, aims and objectives of my chosen business, a description of four functional areas of the business including human resources. Descriptions of the equal opportunities of employees are safeguarded by legislation, an explanation of different functional ways to communicate with each other and external contact. The company I have chosen for this unit is Tesco the reason I chose Tesco is because it is a very successfully growing company. Tesco is public limited company (Plc). (Means that any one can be shareholder) Public limited companies are the largest type of privately owned enterprise in the UK. Tesco sells Groceries, cloths, CDs, videos, DVDs, books, computer games, electrical, school equipment, wines and other alcohol drinks. Tesco offers finances such as loans, credit cards, savings, flexible, and mortgages, travel money. They also offer insurance such as motor insurance, home insurance, life insurance, pet insurance, travel insurance and breakdown cover. One of the other services they offer is Internet shopping, making shopping much easier for customers. Tesco all so has an in store pharmacy. Throughout out years Tesco’s in store pharmacy grown in to one of the country’s leading pharmacy chains. Tesco is currently the leading supermarket in UK. Tesco as a pretty good competition from other supermarket such as Sainsbury, Safeway. But Tesco is cheaper then mot of the other supermarkets and they offer lot more products. Recording to Tesco on average sainsbury’s is 4% more expensive then Tesco and Safeway are 10% more expensive then Tesco. There are more then 700-plus stores and many distribution centres are located in United Kingdom. They have several office sites in the UK. And Ireland, where they’re key support functions is based. The majority of office staff is based in Hertfordshire, Tesco has been operating on a international basis for long time, anticipating the need to become a major retail name in key regions, they moved into central Europe, where they have a strong presence in Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and the Czech Republic and the dynamic Asian market. The aims and objectives for Tesco The main aim of tesco is to make profit, just like any other business. This is a important aim because if they don’t make any money then they won’t be able to fund there business and keep it up and running, the other aims are To exceed competition and to increase the number of customers. To recruit new employees with the potential to do well. The most important aim for Tesco is to provide a highly competitive service to the customers. To survive as a business. To expand the business worldwide and to increase image status. To be environmental friendly. The departments of Tesco Customer service, Human resources, Marketing, Finance, Administration, Distribution, Research & Development Production, The functional areas of Tesco Human Resources Human resources are concerned with the employees who work for Tesco. Tesco regard staff as there most important resource. This is impotent recourse for tesco because if the employees were not motivated with good pay and working conditions then tesco would not be very successful because tesco won’t have any workers. But if the tesco motivate their staff and offer good working place for all the staff then they would be keen to work. This helps the Tesco to achieve its aims. The overall purpose of the human resource function is to attract and retain good high quality staff. The human resources department deals with: Recruiting new employees and firing employees Working conditions Health Safety Promotion Development Training Human resources staffs are involved in specific activities such as Recruitment, Retention and Dismissal of staff, The training, development and promotion of staff, Monitoring and maintenance of good working conditions, Liaison with employee’s organizations and trade unions, Health and safety. Tesco recruit by advertising in newspapers, Internet to find the experience workers. Tesco Retention their staff by motivating them and organizing social events, flexible hours. They also offer discounts, holiday pay, and sick pay. Another way to motivate and retain employees is to give them more responsibility, so they fell more involved. Tesco won’t dismiss an employee with out a reason, but if they do they would give them severance pay. Tesco train their employees on the job, so the workers can get use to the surroundings. Off the job training is when employees go somewhere else to train. Development and promotion of staff- if an employee’s work at their best and heaver good punctuality then there is a good chance of that employee getting promotion. When the employee gets a promotion he has to go a way and do the training course. Job roles in human resources: Human resources manager: Human resources manager works most at the store level and tells everyone where to work. Recruitment Officer: Responsible for the recruitment and selection of staff. Training/staff development officer: responsible for training and staff development. Personal / staffing officer: keeping staff records, monitoring staff welfare. Health and safety officer: overseeing all health and safety matters, accident monitoring and prevention. HR administrative assistants: administrative work relating to the human resources function. Administration The administration department helps tesco to run smoothly from day to day. The admin department covers tasks such as clerical work, collecting and distributing mail, keeping records, and organizing meetings, responding to enquiries. Admin is also charge of cleaning, maintenance and security. The administration department all so orders and distributes office goods for Tesco. Administration is also involved in communications between departments e.g. send messages, fax, telephone and receiving and sending mail. They store all the documents and records used by tesco and are responsible for their safekeeping. All theses small jobs which keeps tesco running efficiently. The activities of the Administration department Keeping the company records, Maintenance, Clerical work, Job roles in Administration Company secretary: they are senior executives who are responsible for the legal affairs of Tesco; they deal with shareholders and arrange the directors meetings. Reprographic supervisor: they have the responsibility of making sure the smooth running of the central reprographic section in tesco. Security: they are responsible for the security that tesco needs, which maintains the high level of safety in tesco. Manager: he is the manager for the it requirements for tesco which include advising of the central reprographic section in tesco. Finance Another functional area in Tesco is finance. The finance keeps track of all the money going in and out of the Tesco. Financial department can notify how much stock tesco sells, how much tesco spend on their stock, employees and other general expenses. This department sets budgets for all other departments at tesco to keep their planned level of income and expenditure, they keep up with how much each department spends because finance get all the employees as well because the payment of their wages and salaries is part of that function. They get a set wage each week, which is sent in to the employee’s bank account. The purpose of the finance function is to Keep all the finance records required by Tesco (receipts and payments that have been made) Pay salaries to the staff. Pay the suppliers, Providing up-to date financial information for the managers about the business performance. The activities of the finance department Preparing accounts Obtaining money Paying salaries Job roles in finance department Financial manager: Financial manager manage the finance function and staff. Credit controller: Credit controller ensures that money owing to Tesco is kept with in agreed level. Chief accountant: is responsible for preparation of Tescos accounts. Financial director: He gives advice to Tesco senior managers on financial matters about game. They oversee Tesco’s budget and are in charge of all financial fuctios in tesco. Marketing Department The job of the marketing department in tesco is to sell the finished products to the customers. If the marketing department fails the whole company fails. The department identifies the consumer’s requirements and supply their needs. This involves a lot of market research and finding out what the customer’s requirements are. Tesco use many types of initiatives to encourage customers to shop with them. For a example Tesco offers club cards that gives the customers points which are exchange in to money off in their next shopping trip, tesco offers internet shopping so that it is easier and quicker for the customers to do their shopping. Tesco carry out many activates to find out about customers such as Internet questionnaires, which is based on the net. (Or can be on the store). They do this to find out what customers needs and try to cater them, by doing this they increase customers and profit. This department is responsible for the advertising, promotion and selling of goods. They are therefore likely to take advantage of using the Internet for research purposes, sending out letters and questionnaires to assess the needs of customers and using the telephone as a means of telesales. Job roles in Marketing Department Marketing director: responsible for the overall marketing function and its aims and objectives. Sales director: responsible for the sales function. Sales manager: responsible for sales staff and the achievement of sales targets. Export manager: responsible for overseas agents. Order clerks: accept and process sales orders. Marketing director: he is in charge of the whole marketing department. Advertising manager: he is in charge of advertising and meeting with agencies over publicity. Communication between departments of Tesco Written forms include: Letters – Formal and slow. Normally used for formal communication, which do not require a quick response. Usually addressed to an individual. Memos – Formal/Informal and Slow. Used to address a wider audience. E-mail – Formal/Informal and Fast. Used for quick response, group or individual. Verbal forms include: Telephone – Formal/Informal Used to discuss issues with a specific person for a quick response. Interviews – Formal/Informal Used to speak to a specific person, usually regarding a specific issue. Meetings – Formal/Informal Employed to discuss specific issues, for an audience of up to 8 people. Presentations – Formal Used to cover issues that concern a large proportion of the employees. In addition to these there are things like internal invoices, requisition orders, posters, notices, group discussion events, etc. Tesco can use these form of communication in many ways for a example if the administration department organise a meeting but ends up they can’t make it they they can telephone the heads of all the departments and tell them that the meetings been cancelled. There are many ways to communicate but the two main ones are oral and written. These include memos. Letters mobile phones and verbal and all of these, have there advantages and disadvantages. For intense E-mails have their advantages and disadvantages mails are resaved quickly they can be send to more then one person at a time, they can be kept for long time and it’s a very cheap way to communicate. Their disadvantages are that they can take long time to type up and people can misspell words and it’s is very uninsured. Telephones are an example of oral communication it’s too as its advantages and disadvantages. The advantages is it’s very fast and an easy way to communicate. Phones can be used to talk to any one in the world in seconds. The disadvantages are it can be expensive to call people out side the country. (UK). If the telephones are disconnected your calls won’t get through and it’s impersonal so contracts can’t be made this way. The person in the other side may not be the person you won’t to speak to so Tesco’s employees can give out important information a way. This form of communication can be useful to get in contact with external contacts because they telephone them and pass what ever information they need quickly and cheaply. Notice boards can be used to display information to large amount of people. People can get all the information they need from the message boards. This form of communication even be use to get a message across to external contacts. This forum of communication is used in tesco for an example if the financial department wants all the employees of the departments to know a particular detail such as if a sudden day off was planned. By putting this information on a notice board the employees can easily read it and find out what they have to do. Memos are quick to write down, cheap and easy to use. They are not secure because any one can read them. They can be used in game if one department has a not so important message to give to another because they can take some time to get where they need to go. This form of communication may be used if someone wants a message to be short and if they don’t need it going somewhere urgently e.g. office equipment needed. This would be sent to admin who would then order the needed equipment. Examples of communication betweens departments The marketing department will contact the finance department by faxing them a letter saying that they need finical backup to advertise a new product. Another example of this form of communication being used in Tesco is if the finance department wants to send to admin a load of invoices. This form of communication would be used if a document needed to be sent because a telephone would be useless because the recipient can not read the document over the phone. . . How Tescos customer services help achieve the companies aims Tesco reduce they prices very often. They all ways keep customers up to date by handing out leaflets and advertisements on TV. Good customer service means happy customers. If the tesco keeps they are customers happy they get more customers. The employees serve good customer service so the customers come back to the shop at Tesco’s again and again. Organisational structure of Tesco Tesco’s Matrix structure Matrix structure The advantage of Matrix structure is that information and ideas flow very quickly between the departments. So the product can be released before other companies. They take specialists from the hierarchical structure to form the Matrix structure. So they can release new products before other companies. After they released the products they go back and do their normal jobs in the hierarchical structure. All the specialists in the Matrix structure are equal and have an equal say in the product that is going to be released. Tesco use this kind of Matrix structure because the old Hierarchical structure was not the best structure for tesco because they are such a large company. Also the other companies where releasing their products before tesco so that’s why they had to replace their structure. Hierarchical Organisational Structure Tesco’s Hierarchical Structure Above is a hierarchical organizational structure for Tesco. It’s shows how the business works and who works for who. For an example Accounts Clark work for Administration Manager and Computer Programmer work for Technical Manager. The disadvantages of the Tesco’s Hierarchical Structure is that massagers take a long time to flow down to the shops floor and some times the massagers can get mixed up. Another destadvantage of the Hierarchical Structure is that a company can release the product before Tesco release it. This is because it takes time for the idea of the product to flow downs the Hierarchical Structure. The advantage of the Hierarchical Structure is that it’s shows the line of power.

Saturday, January 11, 2020


Assigment 1: Foundations: Atoms, Molecules, and Ions 1. 1 A 47. 3-mL sample of ethyl alcohol (ethanol) has a mass of 37. 32 g. What is its density? 1. 2 If 116 g of ethanol is needed for a chemical reaction, what volume of liquid would you use? The density of ethanol is 0. 789 g/mL 1. 3 Battery acid is 40. 0% sulfuric acid, H2SO4, and 60. 0% water by mass. Its density is 1. 31. Calculate the mass of pure H2SO4 in 100. 0 mL of battery acid. 1. 4 How many moles of atoms does 136. 9 g of iron metal contain? 1. 5 A stack of 500 sheets of typing paper is 1. inches thick. Calculate the thickness, in inches and in miles, of a stack of typing paper that contains one mole (Avogadro’s number) of sheets (1 inch = 2. 54 cm) 1. 6 Compounds containing sulfur and oxygen are serious air pollutants; they represent the major cause of acid rain. Analysis of a sample of a pure compound reveals that it contains 50. 1% sul- fur and 49. 9% oxygen by mass. What is the simplest formula of the compound ? 1. 7 A 20. 882-gram sample of an ionic compound is found to contain 6. 072 grams of Na, 8. 474 grams of S, and 6. 336 grams of O. What is its simplest formula? 1. 8 Hydrocarbons are organic compounds composed entirely of hydrogen and carbon. A 0. 1647-gram sample of a pure hydrocarbon was burned in a C-H combustion train to produce 0. 4931 gram of CO2 and 0. 2691 gram of H2O. Determine the masses of C and H in the sample and the percentages of these elements in this hydrocarbon. 1. 9 A 0. 1014-g sample of purified glucose was burned in a C-H combustion train to produce 0. 1486 g of CO and 0. 0609 g of H2O. An elemental analysis showed that glucose contains only carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. Determine the masses of C, H, and O in the sample and the percentages of these elements in glucose. 1. 10 Phosphorus, P4, burns with excess oxygen to form tetraphosphorus decoxide, P4O10. In this reaction, what mass of P4 reacts with 1. 50 moles of O2? 1. 11 What mass of CO2 could be formed by the reaction of 16. 0 g of CH4 with 48. 0 g of O2? Nguyen Tien Thao, Faculty of Chemistry, Hanoi College of Science, VNU 19 -Le Thanh Tong, Hanoi, Vietnam. Email: [email  protected] com 1. 12 What is the maximum mass of Ni(OH)2 that could be prepared by mixing two solutions that contain 25. g of NiCl2 and 10. 0 g of NaOH, respectively? NiCl2 + NaOH — > Ni(OH)2 + NaCl 1. 13 A 15. 6-gram sample of C6H6 is mixed with excess HNO3. We isolate 18. 0 grams of C6H5NO2. What is the percent yield of C6H5NO2 in this reaction? 1. 14 Phosphoric acid, H3PO4, is a very important compound used to make fertilizers. It is also pres- ent in cola drinks. H3PO4 can be prepared in a two-step process. Rxn 1: P4 +O2 — > P4O10 Rxn 2: P4 O10 +H2O — > H3PO4 We allow 272 grams of phosphorus to react with excess oxygen, which forms tetraphosphorus decoxide, P4O10, in 89. % yield. In the second step reaction, a 96. 8% yield of H3PO4 is obtained. What mass of H3PO4 is obtained? 1. 15 2. 00 grams of ammonium sulfate was dissolved in distilled water and made up to 250 mL in a volumetric flask. A 25. 0 mL portion of this solution was boiled with 50. 0 mL of 0. 100 M sodium hydroxide solution until no more ammonia gas was evolved. Then excess sodium hydroxide in the resulting solution required for neutralization, 24. 30 mL of HCl 0. 100M. Calculate the percentage purity of the sample. 1. 16 Write the correct formulae/ions for: Potassium sulfite:†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. Dinitrogen pentoxide:†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. Nitrorous acid: †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Sodium hyperchlorite†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Chloric acid†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Hydride ion:†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Coprous ions: †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Mercuric ion†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 1. 17 In acidic solution, dichromate ion will oxidize ferrous ion to ferric ion and form chromate (III) ion. What volume of 0. 100 M dichromate ion is required to oxidize 60. 0 mL of 0. 250 M of ferrous ion? Nguyen Tien Thao, Faculty of Chemistry, Hanoi College of Science, VNU 19 -Le Thanh Tong, Hanoi, Vietnam. Email: [email  protected] com Homework Lesson 1 asdf jkl ; asdf ; jkl ; asdf jkl ; asdf jkl ; asdf ; jkl ; asdf jkl ; asdf jkl ; asdf ; jkl ; asdf jkl ; asdf jkl ; asdf ; jkl ; asdf jkl ; fff jjj fff jjj fff jjj ff jj ff jj f j fff jjj fff jjj fff jjj ff jj ff jj f j ddd kkk ddd kkk ddd kkk dd kk dd kk d k ddd kkk ddd kkk ddd kkk dd kk dd kk d k sss lll sss lll sss lll ss ll ss ll s l sss lll sss lll sss lll ss ll ss ll s l aaa ;;; aaa ;;; aaa ;;; aa ;; aa ;; a ; aaa ;;; aaa ;;; aaa ;;; aa ;; aa ;; a ; ff jj dd kk ss ll aa ;; f j d k s l a ; ff jj dd kk ss ll aa ;; f j d k s l a ; sad sad fad fad ask ask lad lad dad dad s; as; fall fall alas alas flask flask aaa ddd sad sad aaa sss lll lll all all aaa ddd sad sad aaa sss lll lll all all aaa sss ;;; as; as; ddd aaa ddd dad dad aaa sss ;;; as; as; ddd aaa ddd dad dad f fl fla flas flask ; l la las lass lass f fl fla flas flask; l la las lass lass f fa fal fall falls; a al ala alas alas f fa fal fall falls; a al ala alas alas Lesson 2 Ff jj dd kk ss ll aa ;; f j d k s l a ; Adds adds fads fads asks asks lads lads Jjj jhj jhj hjh jhj jjj jhj jhj hjh jhj Jhj ash ash jhj had has jhj had had jhj Jhj ash ash jhj has has jhj had had jhj Jhj a lass has ; adds a half ; a lad had ;Has a slash ; half a sash dad shall dash Ddd ded ded ede ded ddd ded ded ede ded Ded lef lef ded she she ded he ; ded he ; Ded he lef; she fell ; he slashes sales; He sees sheds ahead; she sealed a lease Ll lol lol olo lol lll lol lol olo lol Lol odd odd lol hoe hoe lol fo foe lol Load sod ; hold a foe ; old oak hoes ; lol She sold odd hooks ; he folded old hoses Ddd ded ede ded ddd ded ded ede ded Lll lol lol olo lol lll lol lol olo lol Jjj jhj jh jhjh jhj jjj jhj jhj jhj hjh jhj She has old jokes ; he has a half a salad ; Heed jade hoof elf; hash folk head hole Seed lake look jell sas hold dead halfHeed heed feed feed deed deed seed seed Jade jade fade fade fake fake lake lake Hoof hoof hood hood hook hook hook look look Elf ; elf ; self self sell sell jell jell Hash hash lash lash dash dash sash sash Folk folk fold fold sold sold hold hold Head head heal heal deal deal dead dead Hole hole hale hale hall hall half half Asdf jkl ; heo asdf jkl l heo asdf jkl ; Jade jade fake fake held held lose lose Jjj jmj jmj mjm jmj jjj jmj jmj mjm jmj Jmj mom mom jmj mad mad jmj ham ham jmj Jmj make a kam l fold a hem l less flame ; Messes make some moms mad ; half a dome ; Fff frf frf rfr frf fff frf frf rfr frfFrf far far frf for for frf err err frf frf more rooms ; for hrt mstkd ; from me He reads ahead l more are far ajar Kkk kik kik iki kik kkk kik kik kik iki kik Kik dim dim kik lid lid kik rim rim kik Kik If she did ; for his risk ; old mill ; More mirrors l his middle silo is filled Jjj jmj mjm jmj jjj jmj jmj mjm jmj Fff frf frf rfr frf fff frf frf rfr frf Kkk kik kik iki kik kkk kik kik iki kik He did l his firm red desk lef is a joke Joke ride sale same roam aims sire more Jars aide dark lame foal elms hire mare Joke joke jade jade jams jams jars jars Ride ride h ide hide hide side aide aide Sale sale dale dale dare dare dark darkSame same fame fame dame dame lame lame Roam roam loam foam foam foal foal aims aims arms arms alms alms elms elms Sire sire dire dire dire dire hire hire More more mire mire mere mare mare Lesson 3 Warm-up Asdf jkl ; heo ; asdf ; jkl ; heo ; asdf jkl ; Jade jade fake fake held held lose Jjj jmj jmj mjm jmj jjj jmj jmj mjm jmj Jmj mom mom jmj mad mad jmj ham ham jmj Jmj make a jame ; fold a hem ; less flame ; Messes make some moms mad ; halkf a dome ; Fff frf frf rfr fff frf frf rfr frf Frf farfar frf for for frfr err err frf Frf more rooms ; for her marks ; from me ; He reads ahead l more doors are far ajarKkk kik kik iki kik kkk kik kik iki kik Kik dim dim kik lid lid kik rim rim kik Kik if she did ; for his risk ; old mill ; More mirrors ; his middle silo is filled Jjj jmj mjm jmj jjj jmj jmj mjm jmj Ffffrf frf rfr frf fff frf frf rfr frf Kkk kik iki kik kkk kik kik iki kik He did ; his firm red desk lid is a jok e Joke ride sale same roam aims sire more Jars aide dark lame foal elms hire mare Joke joke jade jade jams jams jars jars ride ride hide side side aide aide Sale sale dale dale dare dare dark dark Same same fame fame dame dame lame lame Roam roam loam loam foam foam foal foal Aims aims arms arms alms alms alms elms elmsSire sire dire dire fire fire hire hire More more mire mire mere mere mare mare Lesson 4 F. More sire aims roam same sale ride joke Mare hire elms foal lame dark aide jars More sire aims roam same sale ride joke Mare hire elms foal lame dark aide jars More sire aims roam same sale ride joke Mare hire elms foal lame dark aide jars More sire aims roam same sale ride joke Mare hire els foal lame dark aide jars More sire aims roam same sale ride joke Mare hire elms foal lame dark aide jars More aire aims roam same sale ride joke Mare hire els foal lame dark aide jars More sire aims roam same sale ride jokeMare hire alms foam lame dark aide jars More sire aims fome foal Mo re sire aims roam same sale ride joke Mare hire elms foal lame dark aide jars More more mire mire mere mere mare mare Sire sire dire dire fire fire hire hre Aims aim s arms arms alms alms elms elms Roam roam loam loam foam foal foal Same same fame fame dame dame lame lame Sale sale dale dale dare dare dark dark Ride ride hilde hilde side side aide aide jade made mode mode mole mole Lesson 5 Fff ftf ftf tft ftf fff ftf ftf ftf tft ftf Ftf kit kit ftf toe toe ftf ate ate ftf Ftf it is the ; to them ; for the ; at it ; That hat is flat ; it ate a least threeJjj jnj jnj njn jnj jjj jjj jnj jnj njn jnj Jnj ten ten jnj not not jnj and and jnj Jnj nine tones ; none inside ; on and on ; Nine kind lines ; ten done in an instant Dd dcd dcdc cdc dcd ddd dcd dcd cdc dcd dcd Cdc ace ace can dcd arc arc dcd Dcd on a deck ; in each care ; cannot act ; Cat at once ; call to cancel the tickets Fff ftf ftf tft ftf fff ftf ftf tft ftf Jjj jnj jnj njn jnj jjj jnj jnj njn jnj Ddd dcd dcd cdc dcd ddd dcd dcd cdc dcd The cartoon of jam is here on this dock ; Said farm jets kick this none care ink ; Rain hand jots tick then tone came sink Sail sail said said raid raid rain rainFarm farm harm harm hard hand hand Jets jets lets lets lots lots jots jots Kick kick sick sick lick lick tick tick This this thin thin than than then then None none lone lone done done tone tone Care care cake cake cane cane ca,e came Ink; ink ; link link rink rink sink sink Lesson 6 Ff fvf fvf vfv fvf fff fvf vfv fvf vfv fvf Fvf vie vie fvf eve eve fvf via via fvf Fvf vie for love ; move over ; via a van ; Vote to move ; even vitamins have flavor The draft is too cold. Close this door. Ask Vera to start a fire. Find a match. Dr. T. Vincent sees me ; he made acast. Ash Rd. is ahead ; East Ave. veers leftFf fvf fvf vfv fvf fff fvf fvf vfv fvf ;;; t;; t;; ;;; c;; c;; ;;; s;; s;; ;;; Lll l. l l. l . l l. l lll l. l l. l . l. lll Dee voted for vivid vases on her visit Fold hide fast came hold ride mast fame Hone ri ce mask fade none vice task jade Fff fvf fvf vfv fvf fff fvf fvf vfv fvf ;;; t;; ;;; c;; c;; ;;; s;; s;; ;;; Lll l. l l. l . l. l. l lll l. l l. l . l. lll Dee voted for vivid vases on her visit . Fold hide fast came hold ride mast fame Hone rice mask fade none vice task jade Lesson 7 Fail not ; jest mist chin Rev. card sake Rick did not join ; Val loves that fame. Sss sws sws wsw sws sss sss sws sws wsw swsSss sws sws wsw sws sss sss sws sws wsw sws Sws was was sws own own sws saw saw sws Sws was was sws own own sws saw saw sws Sws white swans swim ; sow winter wheat ; Sws white swans swim ; sow winter wheat ; We watched some whales while we walked We watched some whales while we walked Kkk k,k k,k ,k k,k kkk k,k k,k ,k k,k Kkk k,k k,k ,k k,k kkk k,k k,k ,k k,k K,k it, it, k,k or , or , k,k an, an, k,k k,k it , it, k,k or , or k,k an , an k,k k,k if it id , two, or three , as soon as k,k if it id , two, or three , as soon as Vic , his friend , lives in Rich , Alaska Vic , his frien d , lives in Rich , AlaskaFff fgf fgf gfg fgf fff fgf fgf gfg fgf Fgf leg leg fgf egg egg fgf get get fgf Fgf give a dog , saw a log , sing a song , Gen gets a large sagging gift of games Ss sws sws wsw sws sss sws sws wsw sws Kkk k,k k,k ,k k,k kkk k,k k,k ,k, k,k Fff fgf fgf gfg fgf ggg fgf fgf gfg fgf Wanda watched the team jog to the glen Frank sold sold Dave old an washing mscone. Carl joked with al ice , fran , edith Wamda wore redsocks; sadie wore green Frank sold Dave an old washing machine . Arl jokes with Alice , Fran , and Edith . Arl jokes with Alice , Fran , and Edith . Wanda wore red socks ; Sadie wore green Wanda wore red socks ; Sadie wore greenLesson 8 Memo dock sink wave heed crag jolt jest Tommi Ra has two free carnival tickets Wade Dana Alda Sami Cata Devo Wane Glen Vera Edie Fran Seth Adam Cara Rene Dave Gene Vick Rick Coel Fran Dave Carl Sadi Anna Wade Gino Sali Vida Theo Dean Eric S-me w-rk s- we make the w-orld cleaner. W hav- th-m saf-; V-ra l-ft to s it . See , the –ive-s and st-eams a-e – -ising A damaging c-emical mig-t –arm t-e men. Their –o- -akes ja- and so-e sew ite-s. W-ll-am –s –ll and w-ll l-ve –n Alaska Deloris sold red , tn , nd orchid ties. Dana had dogs , cats , and a tan hamster. Todd ate mangoes , kiwis , and an orange.Alicia worked on math , French , and law. Edie Victor saw the Alo Reed dress too. Tom Salt and Arti Wiggs saw Sam and Di Rick saw Chirs at three Eastmoor games. Donna wrote to Anna , Ellen , and Rachel. Al had one good mark and told me later. We want to go westr to work in the rain. The snow fell one dark night last fall/ Watch the river flow over the dark dam Ring snow west tows ink , glow jot , hag . King scow well down elf , crew mow, sag Ring ring wing wing sing sing king kings snow snow show show stow stow scow scow Werst west went went welt welt welt welt well well West west went went welt welt well wellTows tows town town gown gown down down I nk ink ilk ilk elk elk elf elf Glow glow grow grow grew grew crew crew Jot jot hot hot how how mow mow Hag hag rag rah wah wah sag sag Lesson 9 Dim logo wags jive foal corn them wags Dim logo wags jive foal corn them wags Wanda mailed the jewels that Carl made Wanda mailed the jewels that Carl made Fff fbf fbf bfb fbf fff fbf fbf bfb fbf Fff fbf fbf bfb fbf fff fbf fbf bfb fbf Fbf rob rob fbf ebb ebb fbf bag bag fbf Fbf rob rob fbf ebb ebb fbf bag bag fbf Fbf a net bin , a black bend a big bag Fbf a net bin , a black bend a big bag That boat had been in a babbling brookThat boat had been in a babbling brook Jjj juj juj uju juj jjj juj juj uju juj Juj jug jug juj urn urn juj flu flu juj Juj jug jug juj urn urn juj flu flu juj Juj jungle bugs , just a job , jumbo jets Students show unusual business success . Aaa kaa kaa aaa kaa kaa aa kaa kaa aaa Aaa kim kim aaa lee lee aaa joe joe aaa Aaa jan left ; nora ran ; uncle lee fell ; Mari and ula went to Kansas in October Lesson 10 Aaa aqa aqa qaq aqa aaa aqa aqa qaq aqa Aaa aqa aqa qaq aqa aaa aqa aqa qaq aqa Aqa quo quo aqa aqa qui qui aqa que aqa Aqa quo quo aqa aqa qui qui aqa que aqa Aqa quail , quit quid , half quest , Aqa quail , quit quid , half quest ,The quints sqauabbled on a square quilt. The quints sqauabbled on a square quilt. Aaa aqa aqa aqa qaq aqa aaa aqa aqa qaq aqa ;;; ;/; ;/; /;/ ;/; /// /;/ /;/ ;/; /;/ ;;; ;/; ;/; /;/ ;/; /// /;/ /;/ ;/; /;/ The quick squash squad requested quiet The quick squash squad requested quiet He/she said that we could do either/or. He/she said that we could do either/or. Louise will lead if she makes the team Their bands will march at the quadrant Brad just had time to finish his goals I was quiet as he glided over the wave Find/seek boat fate jail cube brad swat Walk shit mile vane aqua slot quit Find/lose cats/dogs hike/bike walk/rideSeek/hide soft/hard mice/rats shut/ajar Boat goat moat mode rode rude euin quid Fate face race rice nice nile vile mile Jail fail fall gal l mall male vale vane Cube cuba tuba tube lube luau quad qua Brat brat brag quag flag flat flat slat slot Swat swam swim slim slid slid slit suit quit Lesson 11 Quil wagon cabin valued helms , and/or; Quil wagon cabin valued helms , and/or; Jake is quite good in math but not Val Jake is quite good in math but not Val . ;;; ;’; ;’; ‘;’ ;’; ;;; ;’; ;’; ‘;’ ;’; ;;; ;’; ;’; ‘;’ ;’; ;;; ;’; ;’; ‘;’ ;’; ;’; he’s he’s ;’; where’s ;’; it’s it’s ’; he’s he’s ;’; where’s ;’; it’s it’s ’; ‘;’ kit’s barn ;’; where’s ‘;’ its’s it’s ;’; ‘;’ kit’s barn ;’; where’s ‘;’ its’s it’s ;’; ‘;’ kit’s b arn ;’; ed’s car ;’; ‘;’ ;’; ‘;’ kit’s barn ;’; ed’s car ;’; ‘;’ Bill’s car isn’t running ; it’s at Li’s. Bill’s car isn’t running ; it’s at Li’s ;;; ;’; ;’; ;’; ‘;’ ;;; ;’; ;’; ‘;’;’ ;’; â€Å"win† â€Å"win† ;†; ;†; ;;; ;†; ;†; â€Å";† ;†Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ He said â€Å"no thanks , â€Å" but it was â€Å"lame. â€Å" Rita â€Å"forgot , â€Å" but Tim added â€Å"flavors. â€Å" Robbs’s clothes and image don’t â€Å"match. † Mr. Quill said , â€Å"Wait . â€Å" ; she ran back. I haven’t enough time to â€Å"quibble† now. Go to the cabin and get us the dog now. Now is the time to call all men for me.Shee made a face when she lost the race. Ask them if the vase is safe with them. We can’t â€Å"remember† how Bo got bruised. Burt’s dad â€Å"asked† Kurt to assist Ross. Made fade face race lace lice nice mice Made fade face race lace lice nice mice Burt Nora Will Mame Ross Kurt Olaf Elle Burt Nora Will Mame Ross Kurt Olaf Elle He’s I’ve don’t can’t won’t we’ve she’s He’s I’ve don’t can’t won’t we’ve she’s Bo’s dogs Lu’s cows Mo’s cats Di’s rats Bo’s dogs Lu’s cows Mo’s cats Di’s rats â€Å"mat† â€Å"bat† â€Å"west† â€Å"east† â€Å"gone† â€Å"tone† â€Å"mat† â€Å"bat† â€Å"west† â€Å"east† â€Å"gone† â€Å"tone† He â€Å"quit† ; she â€Å"tried. † I hot a â€Å"wall. â€Å" He â€Å"quit† ; she â€Å"tried. I hot a â€Å"wall. â€Å" Sand/land vane/cane robe /love quit/suit Sand/land vane/cane robe /love quit/suit Asks bask base vase case cast mast last Asks bask base vase case cast mast last Lesson 12 Seth Kebo Otis Fran Iris Edie Jose Dave Hans Cara Nita Rene Uris Vera Mark Adam Theo Jean Saul Hugh Eric Noel Vida Ivan Gino Leah Burt Olla Anna Kris Wade Mike Seth Kebo Otis Fran Iris Edie Jose Dave Hans Cara Nita Rene Uris Vera Mark Adam Theo Jean Saul Hugh Eric Noel Vida Ivan Gino Leah Burt Olla Anna Kris Wade Mike Ou- -ivers and oceans a-e being –uined. W- must w-rk t- mak- -ur w-rld cl-an-r -armful c-emicals fill muc- of t-e air.W- hav- lo-t u-ag- of –om- of our -oil Ou- -ivers and oceans a-e being –uined. W- must w-rk t- mak- -ur w-rld cl-an-r -armful c-emicals fill muc- of t-e air. W- hav- lo-t u-ag- of –om- of our -oil The cook went to work with cork boards. Four foul jugs were left at the stream. Toil in the weeds to get the seeds now. Tell a joke , then gather other jesters. Ulan told Brian she would be glad to go . In boston one can see vast fish markets. Burce had this I/0 switch changed again. Treena saw quite a flock of â€Å"odd† birds. Walter took a ride to the quiet street. Quakes threw her around the trick door. Rook took cook cork work word ford foldFull fill file fire fore four foul fowl Jolt joke jets jerk jest just jugs jute Wire were went west jest quit quid quad Weed reed seed seat seal soil toil foil Dour sour sort tort tore wore sore lore Told hold sold sole hole role real teal tire fire sire site suit quit whit with Pg. 32 G. Practice Bran brad bred brew brow crow crew craw Gist list mist must gust dust rust just Vast vest jest lest best west nest rest Blot blob blow blew bled bred brad bran Sun , nun , run , bun , gun , gum , hum , sum , Bout boat boot blot bold doll dole Just dust dusk dunk bunk bulk hulk hunk Beef been bean bead beak beam beat bearLesson 13 Fade cave what swim quad blot king jars Fade cave what swim quad blot king jars Black liquids v anish from the jug I saw. Black liquids vanish from the jug I saw. ;;; ;p; ;p; p;p ;p; ;;; ;p; ;p; p;p ;p; ;;; ;p; ;p; p;p ;p; ;;; ;p; ;p; p;p ;p; ;p; nap nap ;p; pen pen ;p; ape ape ;p; ;p; nap nap ;p; pen pen ;p; ape ape ;p; ;p; perfect plot , a pale page , pen pal , ;p; perfect plot , a pale page , pen pal Pam pulled a pouting pup past a puddle. Pam pulled a pouting pup past a puddle. Sss sxs sxs xsx sxs sss sxs sxs xsx sxs Sxs tax tax sxs mix mix sxs axe axe sxs Sxs lax takes , vexed vixen , six Texans ,Fix the next six boxes on the next weekend ;;; ;p; ;p; p;p ;p; ;;; ;p; ;p; p;p ;p; Sss sxs sxs xxsx sxs sss sxs sxs xsx sxs Phil will fix ripped carpets alone now. Go see that duplex before next weekend. Pull on the tabs. The box will open. Speed is good. Errors are not good. Glue the picture. The book is done. Get the clothes. Bring me their caps. Slag chop gate plop tops bows veal dart Apex slab gave quit fix , hoax text jell Slag flag flap flax flux flew Alex apex Chop clop cl ap clan claw slaw slap slab Gate gale pale page pave have cave gave Plop flop flip slip ship ship whip quip quit Tops tipssips sits sit , six , mix , fix ,Blow bows bowl jowl howl cowl coal coax hoax Veal rel seal meal meat neat next text Dart part park bark balk bal bell jell Lesson 14 Jjj jyj jyj yjy jyj jjj jyj jyj yjy jyj Jyj yes yes jyj joy joy jyj aye aye jyj Jyj yard of yarn of yarn , July joy , yellow yam , Shelley yearns to yodel but only yells If you are happy , will be able To set goals. You will also smile more. The jury was back and no one could Leave the room. We all had to stay put. Jjj jyj jyj yjy jyj jjj jyj jyj yjy jyj I saw yards of yellow fabric every day They happily played in the lonely yard. Yes , the daily reports are ready today.Push your fingers to find the keys now. Keyboarding speed will rapidly improve Your goal is to key faster than before. Try every day to achieve that new goal/ A jury will meet next January to get a verdict. People stole costly fuel F rom the boys. We found bags of cards next to the mops int the broom closet. Fuel duel duet suet suit quit quip quid Gape nape cape cave wave wage wags bags Mops pops maps hops tops toys joys boys . We found Bags of cards next to the mops in the broom closet. Fuel duel diet suet suit quit quip quid Gape nape cape cave wave wage wags bags Mops pops maps hops yops toys toys joys boysRope lope lops laps lips lids kids kiss Card cart curt hurt hurl furl fury jury Cost most lost lest best test text next Slab flab flap flaw flay slay clay play Pan , fan , tan , man , can , ran , Dan , Jan . Lesson 15 Bakechin jogs wave quip dome onyx left His soft big lynx quickly jumped waves. Aaa aza aza zaz aza aaa aza aza zaz aza Aza zip zip aza zoo zoo aza zap zap aza Aza dozing zebu , he zags , dazed zebras , Zachary ate frozen pizza in the gazebo. ;;; ;:; :;: ;:; ;:: ;;; ;:; ;:; ;:; ;:; Dr. Webb : Mr. Que : Mrs. Downs : Ms. La : Mr. Dode : Mrs. Chin : Ms. Finn : Dr. Mai : To: From : Subjext : Attent ion: To:To: From : Subject : Attention : To: Aaa aza aza zaz aza aaa aza aza zaz aza ;;; ;:; ;:; :;: ;;; ;:; ;:; :;: ;:; Zach and zany Hzel visited local zoos. They saw : lazy zebras , apes , and lions. Key fast to reach the end of that line. Keep your eyes on your copy as you key . Tests are easy if you know the answers. If they go to the zoo , invite them too. As Inez roamed the ship , she told Fond tales. Sje slipped on that waxy rung and fell to the deck. S She hurt her face and was dazed , but felt no pain Lesson 16 Nest vote farm hail quid gaze coal waxy bake jeep Nest vote farm hail quid gaze coal waxy bake jeepGail must hold two jobs ; she has had a hard life . Gail must hold two jobs ; she has had a hard life . Kim , Ted has kept liquid oxygen frozen with care. Kim , Ted has kept liquid oxygen frozen with care. Pest west test rest quest roast yeast toast totes Pest west test rest quest roast yeast toast totes Yarn yard ward word worry hurry query quirt quilt Yarn yard ward word worry hurry query quirt quilt Try to get an aqua shirt to wear for the picture. Try to get an aqua shirt to wear for the picture. We took your tire to the shop , but it was ruined We took your tire to the shop , but it was ruinedRobb passed the test ; he studied about two hours. These courses are open : marketing , band , and art . Rachel wishes to key. Her cat is on the computer. Dr. E. O. Anton was given the award in the U. S. A. Gretchen received he B. S and M. B. A. in the a. m. Ask Brenda about the summer sale. It’s in Tucson. Will could buy socks there. The price in minimal. Today , stationery is half off. Help me buy paper. Even the books are reduced. We want to read more. My cousin , Vera , has been exercising for at Least seven weeks. I did my best to keep up with’ Her for at least one hour today , but it was much too difficult.She is ery strong and very quick. As base vases lasts haste taste fasts waste paste Po pole polar poems point poker polka spore s pots Tr trade trips trace strut treat trend stray tray Re read real ream reel reeds breeds freed decreed Br bran brush brute broth bring break bread brain Mu must munch murky mushy musty music mumps mulch Ze amaze gauze dozen prize blaze craze glaze size Cr crate crater create crack crab crib crow croak It is good that you have learned all of the alphabet keys. With just some extra practice , you will zip through work quickly. Lesson 17 Herbs jinx gawk miff vest zinc ploy quad best zooHerbs jinx gawk miff vest zinc ploy quad best zoo Dozy oryx have quit jumping over the huge flocks. Dozy oryx have quit jumping over the huge flocks. Lax folks quickly judged the lazy dogs unfit now. Lax folks quickly judged the lazy dogs unfit now ;;; ;/; ;/? ;? ; ;? ; ;;; ;/; ;/? ;? ; ;? ; ;;; ;/ ;? ;;; ;/; ;/? ;? ; ;? ; ;;; ;/; ;/? ;? ; ;? ; ;;; ;/ ;? ;/; ;? ; now? ;? ; hwo? How? ;? ; who? Who? ;? ; ;/; ;? ; now? ;? ; hwo? How? ;? ; who? Who? ;? ; Who? What? Why? Where? When? When? Next? How many? N ow? Who? What? Why? Where? When? When? Next? How many? Now? How can Joe get there? Which way are the outlets?How can Joe get there? Which way are the outlets? A COMPUTER rapidly scanned most AIRMAIL packages. Another START/STOP safety lever was stuck lately. Was JOSE elected CLASS PRESIDENT today or sooner? You should not answer my door WHEN YOU ARE ALONE. ;;; ;/; ;/? ;? ; ;? ; ;;; ;/; ;/? ;? ; ;? ; ;;; ;/ ;? ;;; ;/; ;/? ;? ; ;? ; ;;; ;/; ;/? ;? ; ;? ; ;;; ;/ ;? Did you see HELEN? Did you learn about her crash? Did you see HELEN? Did you learn about her crash? Her car was hit from hit from BEHIND. She broke BOTH arms. Her car was hit from hit from BEHIND. She broke BOTH arms. HOW will she manage while both arms are in casts?HOW will she manage while both arms are in casts? Tony was a better friend than Hope was to Salena. Lu and I were at Camp Piney Forest in early fall. I rode the Rocky Ford train to San Juan in March. Maya , Sue , and Grace were the. It was exciting. The blind sla ts are broken. Can you fix the broken ones? My WILY dog jumped out of the window Which is how this happened. There should be some way to stop him. For a young dog , he is AMAZING Slat slit skit suit quit quip qiz whiz fizz Slat slit skit suit quit quip qiz whiz fizz LASS bass base bake CAKE cage PAGE sage SAGA sags LASS bass base bake CAKE cage PAGE sage SAGA sagsMaze mare more mover wove cove core cure pure pore Maze mare more mover wove cove core cure pure pore Mix; fix; fin; kin; kind wind wild wily will well Mix; fix; fin; kin; kind wind wild wily will well Cape cane vane sane same sale pale pals pats bats Cape cane vane sane same sale pale pals pats bats Jump pump bump lump limp limb lamb jamb jams hams Jump pump bump lump limp limb lamb jamb jams hams Slow BLOW blot SLOT plot PLOP flop FLIP blip BLOB Slow BLOW blot SLOT plot PLOP flop FLIP blip BLOB Mite more wire tire hire hide hive jove give five . Mite more wire tire hire hide hive jove give five . Lesson 18Rave jinx tact safe mind glib quit yelp hawk doze Rave jinx tact safe mind glib quit yelp hawk doze We all must be good friends to have good friends. We all must be good friends to have good friends. We have quickly gained sixty prizes for best jam. We have quickly gained sixty prizes for best jam ;;; ;p; ;p-; ;-; -;- ;;; ;p; ;p-; ;-; -;- ;;; ;-; ;;; ;p; ;p-; ;-; -;- ;;; ;p; ;p-; ;-; -;- ;;; ;-; ;p- ;-; self-made ;-; one-third ;p one-sixth ;-; ;p- ;-; self-made ;-; one-third ;p one-sixth ;-; ;p- ;-; part-time ;-; one-tenth ;p- two-party ;-; ;p- ;-; part-time ;-; one-tenth ;p- two-party ;-; Self-made Jim stopped at an out-of-the-way placeSelf-made Jim stopped at an out-of-the-way place ;p; ;p- ;-; ;-_; ;p-_ _;_ ;p-_ ;-:; ;_; ;p- ;;; ;p; ;p_; ;_; _;_ ;;; ;p; ;p_; ;p_; ;_; _;_ ;;; ;_; Are you an easy-going person who gets along well? The new name he now uses for e-mail is jute_rope. Steward and Phon drove a car down to the shelter. Ten people helped serve meals to thirty children. They said it was ha rd work. Jung felt happy then. This might help solve these problems in our city. Look up in the western sky and see how it is Filled with magnificent pinks and reds as the sun Begins to set. As the sun sinks below the clouds , You will see an amazing display of great colors.Was raged wheat serve force carts bears cages age Tag exact vases rests crank enter greet moves ear Was raged wheat serve force carts bears cages age Tag exact vases rests crank enter greet moves ear Get table stage hired diets gears wages warts rat Hop mouth union input polka alone moors tunic joy Him looms pumps nouns joked pound allow pours hip Lip mopes loose equip moods unite fills alike mop We saw where gray lava flowed down a path. At the exit , Justin saw trees with no bark and a Quiet , fuzzy duck looking at me Lesson 19 Fuzz busy flat apex gash avow junk quad czar mind Fuzz busy flat apex gash avow junk quad czar mindWe should try to make a call before the day ends. We should try to make a call before t he day ends Rob moved a psychology quiz to next week for Jay Rob moved a psychology quiz to next week for Jay Up by rod hun cue dry mow zip elk jaw van era ark Do we fad wet tab boy hid lug mug zap box kid fog in my car zoo tag pop vat jar lid yam fi war qua So to add fun joy fun sew lad man did nip was hop Quinton Robert Farris Cheryl Eunice Xavier George Juliet Noelle Ulysses Ingmar Hunter Yasmin Melvin Quinon Robert Farris Cheryl Eunice Xavier George Jukiet Noelle Ulysses Ingmar Hunter Tamara Zachary Quenna Aurora Bryant Dawson SalomeTamara Zachary Quenna Aurora Bryant Dawson Salome Mignon Jefferey Yvette Olinda Harold Joanna Lionel Mignon Jeffrey Yvette Olinda Harold Joanna Lionel We read the daily newspaper to learn what is going on in other countries. Do yo also read it? Do you read or watch the newa? If you don’t , you should. How will you learn what is happening? E-ch d-y thos- fing-rs w-ll m-ove a l-ttl- f-st-r. Y-u m-st le-rn to th-nk wh-re all thos- k-ys ar-. D- y- u ke-p yp-r ey-s on th- c-py y-u ar- key-ng? On- d-y so-n yo-r f-ng-rs w-ll fly ov-r th- k-ys Accounting is a good course. I am taking it soon. Dr. Tim Bellio , Ph. D , is in the U. S. or the U.K. Please turn on the TV; my favorite program is on. Mr. C L. Brickman and his son , T. J , are home. We must talk to two people: Anthony and Consuela Jay and Ed were on time. Iva liked doing ai Chi. Both Y. O. Fox and T. C Ole had a Ph. D in math. Alberto , set the clock. It is good to be on time. Mr. Vasquez and Mr. Mayer were not in the office. Have you tried to get a project completed by A deadline only to realize that you simply will Not be able to finish it? What you do next will Depend on the prokect and how soon you need it. Se seats seal pulse lease seams eases sedan mouse Gr great gray grows grain grade grass groan graveLo love glove ploys clock locks flock block lobes Dr draft drift drive dress drama drums drab drape Av lava paved abert favor shave avoid brave raven Nk drink pink l inks crank plank sinks honks blank Sc scar scare scant scrap scent scoot scold scone Ba barks bare barns barb baby back bang bald bath Lesson 20 Itch plum jilt waxy fi next clod quad brag skit It is good to meet new people as soon as you can. Cover the cozy liquid wax before Jack mops again. Baffle quartz toxic veins major whack gaudy equip Banjo wizard rhyme heaven steep affix laugh quack Matrix shady squat venom jacket spill zebra fudgeBe quick to move them/down; jinx lazy fingers. Querida Arthur Donata Regina Gwynne Warden Samuel Leilani Ursula Javier Margot Phoebe Irving Oliver Timothy Carlos Elliot Felice Zenina Vernon Winona Nokomis Isabel Hayley Pascal Justin Latham Kemeko Di you meet your goals? I did not. They all did. My car is stuck. I need it towed . Will you do it ? Let’s see a movie. What’s playing? I do not know. Look at that. It is quite amazing. I am thrilled. K—p a;; f-ngers curv-d –nd y—r we-sts a b-t. Ke-p y-ur elb-ws r-lax-d a nd cl-se to y-ur s-des. K-ep y-ur h-ad up –nd t-rned tow-rd th- textb—k K-ep b-th fe-t on th- flo-r , on- aft-r th- oth-r.Toms’s flowers – especially the tilips—are lovely. Have you seen her gloves? Are they in the drawer? If Leilani can go tomorrow , we will go then also. Estes Park has roads as well as hike/bike trails/ That fly-by-night business was selling old disks. Oliver let Margo answer the TCP/IP Internet quiz. Connecting with the World Wide Web was Difficult. Janice Learned about URL’s , FTP , and TCP/IP sites. Sam , Jo , and Di were fluent in German and French . There are fewer gold cources in Clark County THANK Milton County. One reason is the need for rich soil to grow grass. Clark County has mostly clay soil , which does not absorb water well.Asa adie sadly flask sqaild saved trash masks sas Fgf fight goofs golfs fugue gaffe foggy frogs gfg Wew weans sweet swell sweat sweat fewer weeks ewe Rtr art part port sort sort fort worth trade title rtr Klk kilns kilts kelts kelts keels fock block locks lkl Nmn means lemon minor numbs names money hyms mnm Oio boils soils joins coins lions tolis 1. Wafting zephyrs quickly vexed jumbo 2. Wafting zephyrs quickly vexed jumbo 3. Wafting zephyrs quickly vexed jumbo 4. Wafting zephyrs quickly vexed jumbo 5. Wafting zephyrs quickly vexed jumbo 6. Wafting zephyrs quickly vexed jumbo 7. Wafting zephyrs quickly vexed jumbo 8.Wafting zephyrs quickly vexed jumbo 9. Wafting zephyrs quickly vexed jumbo 10. Wafting zephyrs quickly vexed jumbo 11. Wafting zephyrs quickly vexed jumbo 12. Wafting zephyrs quickly vexed jumbo 13. Wafting zephyrs quickly vexed jumbo 14. Wafting zephyrs quickly vexed jumbo 15. Wafting zephyrs quickly vexed jumbo 16. Wafting zephyrs quickly vexed jumbo 17. Wafting zephyrs quickly vexed jumbo 18. Wafting zephyrs quickly vexed jumbo 19. Wafting zephyrs quickly vexed jumbo 20. Wafting zephyrs quickly vexed jumbo 21. Wafting zephyrs quickly vexed jumbo 22. Wa fting zephyrs quickly vexed jumbo 23. Wafting zephyrs quickly vexed jumbo 4. Wafting zephyrs quickly vexed jumbo 25. Wafting zephyrs quickly vexed jumbo 1. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog 2. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog 3. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog 4. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog 5. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog 6. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog 7. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog 8. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog 9. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog 10. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog 11. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog 12.The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog 13. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog 14. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog 15. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog 16. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog 17. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog 18. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog 19. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog 20. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog 21. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog 22. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog 23. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog 24. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog Homework Assigment 1: Foundations: Atoms, Molecules, and Ions 1. 1 A 47. 3-mL sample of ethyl alcohol (ethanol) has a mass of 37. 32 g. What is its density? 1. 2 If 116 g of ethanol is needed for a chemical reaction, what volume of liquid would you use? The density of ethanol is 0. 789 g/mL 1. 3 Battery acid is 40. 0% sulfuric acid, H2SO4, and 60. 0% water by mass. Its density is 1. 31. Calculate the mass of pure H2SO4 in 100. 0 mL of battery acid. 1. 4 How many moles of atoms does 136. 9 g of iron metal contain? 1. 5 A stack of 500 sheets of typing paper is 1. inches thick. Calculate the thickness, in inches and in miles, of a stack of typing paper that contains one mole (Avogadro’s number) of sheets (1 inch = 2. 54 cm) 1. 6 Compounds containing sulfur and oxygen are serious air pollutants; they represent the major cause of acid rain. Analysis of a sample of a pure compound reveals that it contains 50. 1% sul- fur and 49. 9% oxygen by mass. What is the simplest formula of the compound ? 1. 7 A 20. 882-gram sample of an ionic compound is found to contain 6. 072 grams of Na, 8. 474 grams of S, and 6. 336 grams of O. What is its simplest formula? 1. 8 Hydrocarbons are organic compounds composed entirely of hydrogen and carbon. A 0. 1647-gram sample of a pure hydrocarbon was burned in a C-H combustion train to produce 0. 4931 gram of CO2 and 0. 2691 gram of H2O. Determine the masses of C and H in the sample and the percentages of these elements in this hydrocarbon. 1. 9 A 0. 1014-g sample of purified glucose was burned in a C-H combustion train to produce 0. 1486 g of CO and 0. 0609 g of H2O. An elemental analysis showed that glucose contains only carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. Determine the masses of C, H, and O in the sample and the percentages of these elements in glucose. 1. 10 Phosphorus, P4, burns with excess oxygen to form tetraphosphorus decoxide, P4O10. In this reaction, what mass of P4 reacts with 1. 50 moles of O2? 1. 11 What mass of CO2 could be formed by the reaction of 16. 0 g of CH4 with 48. 0 g of O2? Nguyen Tien Thao, Faculty of Chemistry, Hanoi College of Science, VNU 19 -Le Thanh Tong, Hanoi, Vietnam. Email: [email  protected] com 1. 12 What is the maximum mass of Ni(OH)2 that could be prepared by mixing two solutions that contain 25. g of NiCl2 and 10. 0 g of NaOH, respectively? NiCl2 + NaOH — > Ni(OH)2 + NaCl 1. 13 A 15. 6-gram sample of C6H6 is mixed with excess HNO3. We isolate 18. 0 grams of C6H5NO2. What is the percent yield of C6H5NO2 in this reaction? 1. 14 Phosphoric acid, H3PO4, is a very important compound used to make fertilizers. It is also pres- ent in cola drinks. H3PO4 can be prepared in a two-step process. Rxn 1: P4 +O2 — > P4O10 Rxn 2: P4 O10 +H2O — > H3PO4 We allow 272 grams of phosphorus to react with excess oxygen, which forms tetraphosphorus decoxide, P4O10, in 89. % yield. In the second step reaction, a 96. 8% yield of H3PO4 is obtained. What mass of H3PO4 is obtained? 1. 15 2. 00 grams of ammonium sulfate was dissolved in distilled water and made up to 250 mL in a volumetric flask. A 25. 0 mL portion of this solution was boiled with 50. 0 mL of 0. 100 M sodium hydroxide solution until no more ammonia gas was evolved. Then excess sodium hydroxide in the resulting solution required for neutralization, 24. 30 mL of HCl 0. 100M. Calculate the percentage purity of the sample. 1. 16 Write the correct formulae/ions for: Potassium sulfite:†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. Dinitrogen pentoxide:†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. Nitrorous acid: †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Sodium hyperchlorite†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Chloric acid†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Hydride ion:†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Coprous ions: †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Mercuric ion†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 1. 17 In acidic solution, dichromate ion will oxidize ferrous ion to ferric ion and form chromate (III) ion. What volume of 0. 100 M dichromate ion is required to oxidize 60. 0 mL of 0. 250 M of ferrous ion? Nguyen Tien Thao, Faculty of Chemistry, Hanoi College of Science, VNU 19 -Le Thanh Tong, Hanoi, Vietnam. Email: [email  protected] com Homework Assigment 1: Foundations: Atoms, Molecules, and Ions 1. 1 A 47. 3-mL sample of ethyl alcohol (ethanol) has a mass of 37. 32 g. What is its density? 1. 2 If 116 g of ethanol is needed for a chemical reaction, what volume of liquid would you use? The density of ethanol is 0. 789 g/mL 1. 3 Battery acid is 40. 0% sulfuric acid, H2SO4, and 60. 0% water by mass. Its density is 1. 31. Calculate the mass of pure H2SO4 in 100. 0 mL of battery acid. 1. 4 How many moles of atoms does 136. 9 g of iron metal contain? 1. 5 A stack of 500 sheets of typing paper is 1. inches thick. Calculate the thickness, in inches and in miles, of a stack of typing paper that contains one mole (Avogadro’s number) of sheets (1 inch = 2. 54 cm) 1. 6 Compounds containing sulfur and oxygen are serious air pollutants; they represent the major cause of acid rain. Analysis of a sample of a pure compound reveals that it contains 50. 1% sul- fur and 49. 9% oxygen by mass. What is the simplest formula of the compound ? 1. 7 A 20. 882-gram sample of an ionic compound is found to contain 6. 072 grams of Na, 8. 474 grams of S, and 6. 336 grams of O. What is its simplest formula? 1. 8 Hydrocarbons are organic compounds composed entirely of hydrogen and carbon. A 0. 1647-gram sample of a pure hydrocarbon was burned in a C-H combustion train to produce 0. 4931 gram of CO2 and 0. 2691 gram of H2O. Determine the masses of C and H in the sample and the percentages of these elements in this hydrocarbon. 1. 9 A 0. 1014-g sample of purified glucose was burned in a C-H combustion train to produce 0. 1486 g of CO and 0. 0609 g of H2O. An elemental analysis showed that glucose contains only carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. Determine the masses of C, H, and O in the sample and the percentages of these elements in glucose. 1. 10 Phosphorus, P4, burns with excess oxygen to form tetraphosphorus decoxide, P4O10. In this reaction, what mass of P4 reacts with 1. 50 moles of O2? 1. 11 What mass of CO2 could be formed by the reaction of 16. 0 g of CH4 with 48. 0 g of O2? Nguyen Tien Thao, Faculty of Chemistry, Hanoi College of Science, VNU 19 -Le Thanh Tong, Hanoi, Vietnam. Email: [email  protected] com 1. 12 What is the maximum mass of Ni(OH)2 that could be prepared by mixing two solutions that contain 25. g of NiCl2 and 10. 0 g of NaOH, respectively? NiCl2 + NaOH — > Ni(OH)2 + NaCl 1. 13 A 15. 6-gram sample of C6H6 is mixed with excess HNO3. We isolate 18. 0 grams of C6H5NO2. What is the percent yield of C6H5NO2 in this reaction? 1. 14 Phosphoric acid, H3PO4, is a very important compound used to make fertilizers. It is also pres- ent in cola drinks. H3PO4 can be prepared in a two-step process. Rxn 1: P4 +O2 — > P4O10 Rxn 2: P4 O10 +H2O — > H3PO4 We allow 272 grams of phosphorus to react with excess oxygen, which forms tetraphosphorus decoxide, P4O10, in 89. % yield. In the second step reaction, a 96. 8% yield of H3PO4 is obtained. What mass of H3PO4 is obtained? 1. 15 2. 00 grams of ammonium sulfate was dissolved in distilled water and made up to 250 mL in a volumetric flask. A 25. 0 mL portion of this solution was boiled with 50. 0 mL of 0. 100 M sodium hydroxide solution until no more ammonia gas was evolved. Then excess sodium hydroxide in the resulting solution required for neutralization, 24. 30 mL of HCl 0. 100M. Calculate the percentage purity of the sample. 1. 16 Write the correct formulae/ions for: Potassium sulfite:†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. Dinitrogen pentoxide:†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. Nitrorous acid: †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Sodium hyperchlorite†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Chloric acid†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Hydride ion:†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Coprous ions: †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Mercuric ion†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 1. 17 In acidic solution, dichromate ion will oxidize ferrous ion to ferric ion and form chromate (III) ion. What volume of 0. 100 M dichromate ion is required to oxidize 60. 0 mL of 0. 250 M of ferrous ion? Nguyen Tien Thao, Faculty of Chemistry, Hanoi College of Science, VNU 19 -Le Thanh Tong, Hanoi, Vietnam. Email: [email  protected] com

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Discrimination Against The Engineering Field - 1527 Words

There is lots of discrimination against in the engineering field. Through my research and judging from the articles that I found, it shows that gender stereotypes is still prevalent in the engineering field. There’s still discrimination against women in the classrooms to the process of employment and carries off to the engineering industry. The discrimination keeps women from wanting to try and be in the STEM field, thinking of the that these fields are only for men. Some areas of science do attract more women than men, such as biology and social and behavioral sciences. But computer science, physics and engineering are overwhelmingly male. At first, I didn’t know what was a suitable of topic for my capstone about my career pathway, with†¦show more content†¦Have you ever encounter a time when you want to do something and they wouldn’t let you because of gender, they say that â€Å"you’re a girl†, that’s the reason why you shouldnâ⠂¬â„¢t do it. I know there are times that it is a man job but if you think about it people use the phrase â€Å"you’re a girl† as an excuse towards a female of not doing something like when was the day â€Å"You’re a girl† became an insult? Yes. I’m a girl and I am proud that I am one. As a women, we experience discrimination in our everyday life and that life consist of our job. The fact that the discrimination is common these days just makes it harder for women to pursue a career she wants. The STEM fields - science, technology, engineering and mathematics - have always had a problem with women. Men tend to dominate in the engineering field and for women, the number is not growing. Is it because of the fact that there is a lack of role model in the field or the lack of motivation to be in the engineering field? Judging from the statistic, there are about 20% of women in the engineering industry and that number is not growing, because women have seen no employment growth in STEM jobs since 2000. From the studies that were conducted from the articles that i found, here were a very surprising outcome. though some of the outcome were expected. From an article titled as â€Å" Why Engineering, Science Gender Gap Persists†, it pointed out how gender gap can be seen in

Friday, January 3, 2020

Recommendations For Bank Management And Government Measures Finance Essay - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 9 Words: 2727 Downloads: 7 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Finance Essay Type Research paper Did you like this example? The financial crisis that started in the summer of 2007 in the U.S.A and U.K. has quickly expanded to the developed world and become a global financial crisis which led economies into recession. Financial crisis create weaknesses to different bank models. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Recommendations For Bank Management And Government Measures Finance Essay" essay for you Create order Banks went to bankruptcy and disappeared from banking scene or rescued by governments. By 2008, estimated that the losses of banks have reached $1,000 million in USA and government start for bank nationalization. Financial giants like Lehman Brothers, Merrill Lynch, AIG, Citigroup, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mae disappeared. Goldman-Sachs and Morgan-Stanley becomes bank holding enterprises until end their existence in banking sector. The crisis that started in August 2007 began with the collapse of sub-prime mortgages and securitized products and then spread very quickly to other segments of credit markets, to bond markets and inter-banking markets. The market of sub-prime mortgages have experienced development in the previous 10 years with the housing prices to reach higher levels and with low interest rates that prevailing in USA and worldwide since the first decade of 2000. The cheap money was the most important factor for large number of borrowers to take mortgages and purchase h omes. But for the sub- prime borrowers the applications for the loan did not include standards, for example if borrowers have poor credit records. The first signs for the crisis began in June 2006 when the central Bank of USA (FED) raised interest rates (from 1% in June 2004 to 5, 25% in August 2006). The higher interest rates leads to the costly borrowing. The result was a lot of borrowers not being able to pay for the loans, so attachment of property starts to increase. Banks having loans on their balance-sheets, try to create loans to outsiders in order to transfer the risk. This action called securitization. With securitization all the assets in illiquid form transformed into securities and sold to different investors. This combination of assets has the benefit of the diversification of risk which is associated with any assets. For example, subprime mortgage could be very risky, and with the above form sold as security. But with the global financial crisis of 2007-2009 sec uritized products collapsed. The National Bureau of Economic Research (dates the recessions all over the world) determined that the crisis began in December of 2007. Whenever it starts, the purpose of this study is to examine the causes of the global financial crisis of 2007-2009 and try to understand how affect the Management in banking sector. This study is organized as follows: At the beginning is described the causes that led to the global financial crisis with short reference to the condition that was prevailed before the crisis, then the study refers to the implications of the study to the bank sector and more specifically to the Bank Management and in the end it is said some conclusions about the condition and some measures in order to be stopped the negative impact of the crisis. Causes of the global financial crisis It is useful to start the analysis with the question Where did financial crisis come from? because analysis of causes is useful tool to understand the implications of global financial crisis. Today, it is common agreement that the root of the crisis is the housing market of the United States. More concretely, The Monetary Policy of the Federal Reserve Bank caused the boom to the prices of real estate, resulting in low interest rates(low interest rates prevail in USA and worldwide since the first decade of 2000) (Bofinger et al 2008 b: 119-121).High demand of real estate was impact of the cheap money. So borrowing rose to higher levels. Financial intermediaries have been at the centre of global financial crisis who contributed to the development of speculation. The housing prices increase because of the fair value accounting of banks. The credit crisis or ceilings stop to exist and the result from the above was the high-risk lending. Traditionally, banks had loan (indicated by their balance sheets), and in the above condition start to generate loans that was transferred to outsiders, with higher risk. This innovation in finance is known as securitization. Securitization is a process in which loans sold as securities to different types of investors in order to diversify the risk. In this way, emerged the known Asset Backed Securities (ABS) which is type of security by small and illiquid assets. With the process of securitization, loans sold individually and removed from the balance sheet of holders. One effect of securitization, regarding with theories of Basel Committee, was that equity for granted loans were circumvented. Banks transfer assets to the special purpose vehicles (SPVs) in order to achieve the off-balance sheet situation. So, lending becomes an activity without risk and this led to high leverage. Moreover, low interest rate induced high leverage ratios (Wehinger 2008: 2-6). The selling of Asset backed securities was possible because of th e low risk of the structured products. The diversification of portfolio achieves the reduction of risk. The meaning of tranching was very important because this process contribute to the creation of assets with higher ratings than the average ratings. Portfolio had losses because of different tranches . Those different tranches called collateralized debt obligations (CDOs) which specialized in a unique type of debt. Most often are non-mortgage loans or bonds. Â With increases of the federal funds, rates of mortgages start to experience an upward trend which was a negative point for households. So the housing bubble burst. The housing prices start to follow to levels below than the value of loans and the result was bankruptcies. Interbanks markets come under failure. Result of the financial crisis was the collapse of the American investment bank Lehman Brothers in August 2000, which was the first time that borrowers experienced losses. Money markets disrupted. Banks rates rose to levels above the returns on assets. Lending has been reduced. The investment started to reduce. The Role of Basel Committee It is important to be said the role of Basel Committee, the committee which called the supervisor of Bank Sector. From 1965 to 1981 in the United States, were approximately 8 bankruptcies. Banks, all over the world were lending continuously. In order to be the risk prevented, met in Switzerland (in Basel) in 1987 the Basel Committee which included supervisors and central banks. The primary objective of the Committee is to strengthen the capital adequacy and liquidity. Promote governance practices and stronger risk management in order to strengthen the market transparency. Basel Committee established by the Group of Ten Countries. Committee members came from United States, United Kingdom, Switzerland, Spain, Sweden, Luxemburg, Netherlands, Japan, Italy, Germany, France, Canada, and Belgium. The first accord was Basel Committee I which was issued in 1988.Basel Committee I focused on capital adequacy regulation, for example the capital that banks ought to hold in order to face with future losses on their assets. The regulation was adopted by all banks because in this way banks could have security and stability. The purpose of Basel Committee for capital ratio indicated by two Tiers. The first refers to the core capital that includes the equity of share holders for the balance of income variation. Core capital describes the capital adequacy. The second Tier refers to the supplementary capital that describes the capital adequacy too. The banks follow methods based on capital arbitrage that circumvent the rules of Committee about capital adequacy. Basel Committee, drawn up a proposal in order to review the previous rules. The revision of Basel Committee based on capital adequacy and comes from the developments in credit risk management. The Committee (Basel Committee II) discussed about the possibility the capital to be used for credit losses. The proposal is based on three pillars: The first pillar refers to capital requirement rules and more concretely t he required capital shall be at least 8% of total risk assets. Also refers to the credit risks and to the supervision in order to be those risks decreased including the assets for the manipulation of operational risks. In the first pillar Basel Committee use two alternatives for the risks: the standardized technique which is easily applicable and refers to the diversification of loans in portfolio into risk tranches and internal rating based methods (IRB) which is based on internal information. The second pillar refers to the supervisory process. The new framework refers to the need of Bank Management to create on capital assessment process and putting goals. Supervisor ought to evaluate if the banks assess the capital adequacy beyond the first pillar. Financial institutions ought to have the appropriate amount of capital in order to cover the risk that they take. The third pillar refers to the market discipline. More concretely, the new framework tries to enhance the discipli ne of banks and set requirement about the way that banks calculate the capital adequacy. Unfortunately, the principles of Basel Committee were not applied properly by the banks, because a lot of banks try to escape from the authorities provided by Basel Committee with the main purpose to obtain higher profits, although it was said that the principles were insufficient. First of all, has observed that a lot of banks made off-balance sheet movements, by created companies where toxic products were transferred, so the former present to the Basel Committee the most appropriate balance-sheet. Banks exploited the possible weaknesses of the Committee and the result was that banks led to significant problems and generally led to the financial crisis. Implications of global financial crisis Global financial crisis has created a lot of impacts which have increasingly affected the banking sector (domino effect). Below indicated the most important consequences that have been caused in the financial institutions and disrupt the operations of banks. As it is mentioned above, subprime mortgages proved to be more risky that most investors think. Banks sold the above mortgages in order not to address the problems that will appear. As a result, the lending deteriorated. During the September November 2008 (the peak period of financial crisis) lending fell by 37% and by 68% during the credit boom (March-May 2007). Opposite view have Chari, Christiano and Kehoe (2008) who stated that loans that are reported on the balance sheet of U.S. banks rose for the period September November 2008 by $100 billion. It is important to be mentioned that banks with deposits in appropriate level, limit less the lending process during the crisis and extend more credit lines (Kashyap, Rajan, Stein, 2002).During the crisis, investors remove their money from uninsured funds and put their money to the banks as insured deposits. So, banks with large base of deposits, attrack deposits and have the ability to lend in addition with other banks. The recession and the uncertainty in the economy reduce the demand for loans by borrowers. One reason was the disability of bank during the crisis to find the appropriate capital. During the crisis the composition of bank capital obtained another form and raised the new capital in the form of debt. If leverage measured as the ratio of asset to common equity, then the leverage of the banks risen during the crisis. In particular, the depletion of common equity (through losses on portfolio of assets) is the main reason of banks to extend credit lines. The public contribution of bank capital become not with the structure of common equity but with the form of preferred equity. The contribution with the above form had the consequence that the leverage regarding to the common equity increased. After the massive bankruptcies of financial giants such as Lehman Brothers, Merrill-Lynch, Citigroup, AIG, investors start to make massive withdrawal of their deposits and start to liquidate everything they had such as bonds, shares, securities with the main objective to transform them into cash. So the main purpose of banks to provide liquidity insurance was failed. Banks without cash can not grant loans to individuals and to other banks too. Moreover, because of the crisis interest rates rose and the result was that the amount of lending dropped the volume of transaction become difficult because nobody could invest with higher rates and in this way liquidity crisis deteriorated. Also, another consequence of the crisis is the negative growth rate that be observed and the increase of unemployment. Specifically, a lot of banks led to dismissals of the staff because they could not pay additional salaries. Recommendations for the Bank Management and Government measures As it is said, global financial crisis caused a lot of problems to the financial markets. The irrational behaviour of banks with lending to individuals, other firms and banks without having the necessary funds led to the collapse of the financial system. Today, it is considering that should be made more effective supervision of the Bank operating. Better supervision would help, because in this way administrative and institutional framework would be strengthen based on better codes, practices and regulatory principles. The crisis has shown the need to the new principles. The Basel Committee is the most appropriate form for banking supervision and ought to formulate the supervision and practices in the most effective form, addressing the crisis all over the world. The condition in the banking sector with the liquidity crisis, the disability to lend, the absence of confidence between bank and investors and between banks may be deteriorated the next years. One measure that should be taken is the restructuring of banks in order to be restored the banking sector. One strategy could be the change of the framework of banks, by the nationalization of the institutions that do not operate properly. In this way bank sector, will be strengthening with improved regulations. The nationalization of institutions that work improperly will limit the accumulated losses and rapidly in this way the liquidity status will be improved because those banks will stop to borrow from the central bank and simultaneously, it will be mentioned increase of the confidence of investors and of other banks. In the current crisis because the accumulated losses are large, there is a need of new capital raised from the government. The raised capital would lead to the increase of the liquidity. When banks have money then do not have the need to increase bank internal rates. Any reduction in Euribor and interest rates would help the banks to borrow cheaper. Thus, increase their monetary reserves . The increase of available cash will lead to higher investment by providing loans. This will significantly help the development of the economy. Moreover, it is important to note that one measure is that the rates must be fixed, so investors not only will saving but also will invest because they will feel greater security under fixed rate conditions. It should be mentioned that already are made efforts by Institutions to tackle with the global crisis. The FED advanced to provide facilities with the policy quantitative easing in order to enhance the liquidity of banks. In addition, try to raise the liquidity by lowering interest rates to 0%-0.25%. Conclusions Since 1720, the economy has faced some periods of deep recessions that affect the whole world. For example, the recessions from 1873 to 1879 and from 1929 to 1933. Nowadays, the world faces the global financial crisis that appeared firstly in the beginning of 2006 with the collapse of housing market in U.S.A. Global financial crisis has created a lot of impacts to the banking sector and more specifically to the management of banks, disrupting the operations. Banks, because of the crisis faced a lot of difficulties. The lending deteriorated, banks have no cash, and because a lot of investors withdrew their money in order to deposit them more safely, between the banks there is no confidence and stopped the collaboration and has observed depletion of common equity. Measures should be taken in order not to be the condition deteriorated. First of all, it is considering that should be made more effective supervision of the Bank operating. The Basel Committee is banking superviso r and ought to formulate the practices and principles in the most effective form. Most governments ought to give capital to the bank sector to avoid more problems of the crisis. Already has given a large amount of capital for this purpose. Moreover, the interest rates start to have a declining in order to enhance the liquidity of banks. If banks reform their management into a better and more effective way and restructure the forms of the loans that be provided, then the management of banks could increase the profits.